At Spiekermann Travel, we take pride in turning travel dreams into unforgettable experiences. We are honored to receive this heartening testimonial from some of our valued client who recently embarked on a remarkable adventure with us.
We are thrilled to have assisted this wonderful travelers in accomplishing the goal of visiting the very last country on their bucket list. We believe that a true measure of our commitment lies in our ability to adapt and deliver exceptional experiences, regardless of the circumstances. Our utmost goal is always to provide unparalleled service, exceptional experiences, and memories that will be cherished for a lifetime.
Albert Podell (R.I.P)
As a very adventurous traveler, I usually do not do tours, but Spiekermann is the exception because they have been able… Read More!
Alla & Charles Campbell
"To get to all UN countries is a daunting task. My husband Charles has done a great job in helping me accomplish my goal. But to get to the really difficult countries Spiekermann … Read More!
Arvinder Bahal
I have travelled to every country plus overseas territories, archipelagos…Read More!
Growing up in Southern California, I had a flip-of-the-coin backpacking trip to Europe at the age of eighteen in 1978 that changed my life. I prioritized travel in my career in… Read More!
Gary Krosin
As an avid traveler, I often find myself seeking out unique and unconventional destinations that can evoke a sense of adventure and intrigue. Recently, I happened upon my list of the remaining 193 "UN Recognized Countries," realizing that…Read More!
Jaime Aleman
“As I was nearing my goal of visiting every country in the world, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan posed a real challenge because of the security… Read More!
James (R.I.P) & Gladys Strain
We have been to every country of the world including North Korea and a wonderful exploration of Antartica. We were quite concerned that we could … Read More!
Jim Kitchen
Spiekermann Travel helped me travel to some of the world’s “hotspots” that are generally difficult to book Independently. Their team … Read More!
Laurie Campbell
I recently had the incredible opportunity to visit Libya, marking my last destination of the… Read More!
Marcia Henderson
My first trip of many with Spiekermann Travel was Ethiopia ( been three times with them), since January 2008. This was my retirement gift from me to… Read More!
Michael Comberiate
I have been doing handstands for the last 58 years of my life as my signature greeting in every unique place I’ve been. This has included both Geographic Poles, 18 of the tallest buildings, rivers, canals, deserts, mountains, ancient ruins, atop of the great pyramid and…Read More!
Pam Stubing
While Pam does not share the main trait that the rest of the travelers on our Notable Travelers List have in common, she exhibited every valued characteristic that has made… Read More!
Patrick Gilliland
We are very grateful to Spiekermann team for helping us accomplish the goal of visiting the last country on our… Read More!
Roy Vogel
As an experienced traveler, reaching the goal of completing a travel list after 54 years is a … Read More!
Rolf Scheidel
I attribute my Wanderlust to my childhood postage stamp collection. I was fascinated by the exotic names of foreign countries on… Read More!
Tamara Michael
My last country to step foot in! 193 U.N. sovereign countries didn’t start as a travel goal but wound up as one over the years when people asked, “How many countries have you been in?” The answer was usually, … Read More!
Rufus McGaugh
In May of 2016, I was back teaching at my old school, Brownell Middle School in Grosse Pointe, that I had retired from in 2010. I was doing a … Read More!
Vladimir Blaha
“When I started my travel life, my goal was not to visit every country in the world. Not only because that there were too many of … Read More!
William Bishop
I have been to every country of the world and Spiekermann came to the rescue when it came to visiting the most… Read More!
William Mason